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Whitney Houston Chapters
The foundation is based out of Belgium was originally formed in 2020 by International Dynasty Group and is officially recognized by Whitney Houston Fan Chapters. The ID Group soon realized that their admiration of Whitney was felt by many others in the world. The growing members gathered for meetings, dinners, tribute nights, dances, concerts and conventions.
The goal of the fan supporters is not only to bring awareness of Whitney Houston as a great entertainer, but also as a sincere and generous human being. .
Today Whitney Houston fans still gather throughout the year to share in the legacy of Whitney Houston. With our growing online presence we are able to offer Whitney Houston fans an opportunity to be a part of the Whitney Houston Fan Chapters. There is no fee to become a member however if possible Whitney fans can support our cause by purchasing a fan charter membership certificate or providing a donation.
Members will get access to our members section of the website as well as receive our e-Newsletter with information and updates regarding new releases, events and more!

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